August 25, 2017

Making art out of trash (talk)


Since we last celebrated Women’s Equality Day, back in the halcyon days of August 2016, progress in equality has been ... challenging. Truthfully, the year has been rife with vicious commentary directed towards women, and it’s come from everywhere – those in power, media, music, other women – luckily, we know what to do with this kind of bologna. We chose a dozen nasty quotes, which employees from across the spectrum at MONO demolished only to reconstruct into creative, clever, inspiring pieces of art. View the gallery at and return on August 26th, National Women’s Equality Day, as we give away 100 prints on a first come, first serve basis. For each print given, MONO will donate $10 to the girlsBEST Fund, a program of the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, whose mission to drive gender and racial equity includes removing roadblocks to girls’ future economic success, like sexism, low wages and job discrimination. More at Ad Week and Media Post.

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